Send Us Your Files
We are now using WeTransfer for uploading your files to our system.
If you are new to sending us files via WeTransfer please read the following. Thanks!
Why are we doing this?
With WeTransfer there will be an even higher level of security for the files you send to us.
WeTransfer is very user-friendly and should be quicker for you to use.
We hope this will make everyone’s life easier.
What do I need in order to use WeTransfer?
You don’t need anything to use WeTransfer. The link will be built into our site.
With the added security, WeTransfer will verify your email each time you send files. They do this by emailing you a code to enter in WeTransfer.
NOTE: You also have the option to create a FREE WeTransfer account and they will verify your email once and you will not have to enter a code each time you send a file.
How do I upload my files?
All you need to do is click the button below:
and you will be on our HPC WeTransfer site. Click on the blue “+ icon” to upload your files. Follow the instructions and send us your files.
We look forward to receiving them!
How will I know if my files have been uploaded?
WeTransfer will send an email to you to let you know when the files have been uploaded and when we download them. You will be able to keep track of the status of your files.